Discover accountability groups

Career/Job 👷

Tweet 🐦

242 members 2 hours ago
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Build an audience of like-minded people. 1 or more Tweet per day.

Become a game developer!

68 members 3 days ago
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Do you dream of becoming an indie game developer? Me too. But all this stuff that has to be done... learning your tools, organizing, stuff like that... Wouldn't it be great if we could help ourselves? :-)


3 members a month ago
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Educational 📚


254 members 9 days ago
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Learn Indonesian 🇮🇩

20 members 2 days ago
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Talk to locals when you travel!

Learn, Code, Build ✌️

110 members 4 days ago
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Spend 1hr a day learning new technology, writing some code and/or building a fun project.

Practice ASL

4 members 7 days ago
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This group will motivate you to keep up with your ASL practice, engage in new vocabulary and create meaningful relationships with other ASL users!

Learn something new

24 members 7 days ago
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Put in a bit of work everyday to learn something new. Compound interest to the max!

Play your instrument

12 members 2 months ago
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In this group, all you have to do is pick up your instrument and play. it can be for fun, it can be practice, it can be for the simple fact you are playing. Play what you want and enjoy it.

Health ❤️

Workout 💦

261 members 14 days ago
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Stay fit, healthy & good-looking. Let's do it 🔥

Stretch 🧘

64 members 2 months ago
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Be flexible and avoid injuries. Full-body. 15 minutes/day. Good luck!

Quit Coffee⛔☕ ⛔

13 members 2 months ago
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No more caffeine-induced anxiety!

Have less sugar

23 members 2 years ago
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Try to eat less sugar or processed sweets

Do a 1 min plank 💪

38 members a month ago
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Do a 1 minute plank once a day - can’t be that hard!

Morning pages

20 members 2 years ago
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Write three pages, long-hand, upon waking. No thinking, no analyzing, no stressing. Just write. Get whatever is at the forefront of your mind out of your mind and place it onto the page. Do not hold back. Do not judge. And do not stop until you’ve hit three pages.

Running habbit

7 members 2 months ago
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need to run everday

Drink water 💧

12 members a year ago
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Try to drink more water than you're used to


22 members 3 months ago
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Just. Be. Nice!

5 members 25 days ago
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I think we´ll all be better off if we just committed to do at least one nice thing to other people, each and every day! All small acts of kindness counts.

10 Pushups

13 members a month ago
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10 Pushups a day for 2 years

Физические упражнения 🫂

6 members 2 years ago
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Наверняка вы хотите внедрить спорт в свою жизнь и вам, также как и мне лень? Давайте попробуем вместе :) Физические упражнения, количество повторов и т.п. вы выбираете сами, на свой вкус.

face yoga

2 members 5 months ago
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I'm starting face yoga every day. Mabye someone likes to join me

Running Challenge!

4 members 3 months ago
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Every day challenge!

Walking 🏆

3 members a month ago
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Walk from 30 minutes up to 1 hour every day

🚭 Quit smoking 🚭

1 members 2 months ago
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Quit smoking right NOW!

Self-Improvement 🙇

Doodle Daily

34 members 2 months ago
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By doodling once daily you may free some space in your head. Be a doodler on Buddy Crush!

Daily Journal

70 members 6 days ago
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We write daily about what happened that day, what went well and what could have been better.

Most Important Daily Goal

46 members a month ago
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What‘s the most important thing you can do today? Let’s go get it. By setting ONE specific goal we get focus and feel huge progress upon completion 🚀

Read at lest 10 min

59 members 3 months ago
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Didn’t watch TV or movie

3 members 2 years ago
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Be more productive by not wasting time with us useless media.

Journal Everyday ✍️

2 members 2 years ago
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Q-Feeling overwelmed with your thoughts? Q-Want to see how far you have come as person? Q- Dreams when written become goals and chances to achieve increases Ans - Write daily ✍️

Clean Up 🧺🧹

15 members 3 months ago
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We’re our environment. Spend a few minutes to clear up workspace or a part of the house. Clean the dishes or start the laundry. During breaks or dedicated time. Every little bit counts. ✨🧹

Other 💡


2 members 7 days ago
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2 members 2 years ago
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9 members a month ago
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